How do we achieve an optimal state of body and mind where we feel our best and perform our best? Gain a first-hand experience of what it means to intentionally choose our state of being and how to replace distraction, overwhelm and uncertainty with the confidence, clarity, and calm needed to navigate today’s fast-changing world.
COS experts have worked alongside a basketball team on their way to win the Final Four and instructed Yale students on how to maximize their talent. We give your community the best of positive and performance psychology and neuroscience to spark enthusiasm while also building focused attention, resiliency and grit. Learn how to access flow—on-demand—plus science-backed tools to settle an overactive mind and quiet the noisy inner critic.
Goals and Learning Outcomes:
- Learn what mindfulness is and how to intentionally access this state of optimal performance.
- Understand the psychology and neuroscience behind the importance of mindfulness.
- Learn how to combat feelings of being overwhelmed and uncertain.
- Practice retrieving a state of clarity and calm in moments of anxiety and stress.
“Thanks so much for your presentation this morning. It was powerful and your delivery was I think terrifically crafted and effective.”
“Thank you for spending a very busy but incredibly impactful 2 days with us here at the Academy. After hearing your message with multiple different audiences, it is clear that you are incredibly talented, and your monologue is powerful beyond measure.”
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