Marketing your mission & cultivating a reputation of excellence
Can your institution weather the storms of pandemics, changing cultural norms, and generational demands? Stay ahead of the relevancy curve and climb the mountain of sustainability with audits and ongoing assessment of the marketplace. COS ensures your institutional name, brand, and mission stay vibrant and relevant to your target constituencies.
How can we help?
COS Expertise in Marketing & Enrollment
Generational Marketing Differences
- Gen Z Parents
- Millennial Parents
- Gen X Parents
- How to Market – Email vs Print vs Open-House
- Word of Mouth & Social Networks
- Legacy Families & Generational Commitment
- Website SEO
- Direct Email Marketing Evaluation
- Quantifiable Open-House Efficacy
- Feeder School Relationships
- Special Events to Attract New Families
- Placement Firms
Trademarks & Intellectual Property
- Brand Integrity
- Trademark Classifications
- How to File Trademarks
- Reigning in Rogue Usage
- Parent Use of Logo
- Employee Use of Logo
Reputation Management
- Well-Written Testimonials
- Well-Credentialed Endorsement
- Partnerships to Bolster Brand
- Crisis Management
- Social Media Portrayal
- Incremental & Regular Posting
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