Thorough scrutiny and experienced analysis of gaps and cracks
True risk management requires cross-disciplinary analysis of all best practices across varied geographic locations and a myriad of corporate educational and military entities. Equipped with know-how from groundbreaking work with 5000+ institutions, COS is unparalleled in catching inconsistencies, errors, and omissions that save money in both the short and long run.
How can we help?
A-Z Audits
- Jurisdiction
- Training
- Forms
- Criminal & Civil Overlap
- Standard & Burden of Proof
- Restorative Practices
- Data Security
- Social Media Platforms
- Privacy & Intellectual Property
- Policies
- Privately Owned Devices
- Jurisdiction
Sexual Misconduct
- Policies
- Response Protocol
- Title IX Compliance
- Investigations
- Hearings
- Victimology
Residential Programs
- Employee Training
- Safety & Security
- Professional Boundaries
- Visitation
- Overnight Care
- Roommate Conflict
More Risk Management Services
Overnight Care & Trips
Investigations & Discipline
Reputation Management
- Liability Waivers
- Parent Consent
- Trip Supervisor Training
- Safety Protocol
- Investigator Training
- Hearing Board Training
- Consistency & Logging
- Procedural Work Flow
- Preventative
- Mid/Post-Crisis
- Branding & Mission
- Trademark Protection
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