Powerful presentations for students & staff

Our Work with Higher Education

Address real-world issues with impact and diverse voices. Inspire holistic thinking and empathy for your entire community. COS orientation programs, Title IX training, professional development, and multi-day training for employees and students create lasting changes in attitudes and behaviors. Our clients have year-long access to online resource portals, webinars, RA preparation guides and pre/post-tests to demonstrate efficacy for risk management and legal compliance.

We offer:

  • Healthy relationships, consent, and Title IX programming
  • Over 20 wellness topics, including mental health, ATOD, technology, and stress
  • Comprehensive consulting on handbooks, employee issues, and risk management
  • Professional development on harassment, appropriate boundaries, and mental health
  • Climate surveys on DEI, gender discimination, harassment, and campus safety

Most Requested Programs

Orientation Training Program: “I Said – You Said”

Title IX: Training for Employees and/or Residential Life

Take Back The Night & SAAM Keynote Speakers

  • Valid consent and coercion vs seduction
  • Alcohol and other drugs impact decision-making abilities and consent validity
  • Exposing myths and stereotypes contributing to and perpetuate sexual violence
  • Communicate strategies about expectations and boundaries
  • Bystander skills and intervention strategies
  • Definitions and terminology
  • Transparency, equity, and integrating victimology in sanctions, support, and education
  • Reporting requirements
  • Obligations for state and federal compliance
  • Survivors of dating violence, date rape, campus sexual assault and more
  • Activists, authors, and artists
  • Diverse backgrounds, gender identities and sexual orientations
  • Legal experts and attorneys
  • Trauma informed and PTSD experts

“Please allow me to express again how pleased we were to have you on our campus. Your presentations have sparked conversation and have challenged us all to strategically think about how we approach these issues at Clemson. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and most of all . . . your story.”

Director/Title IX Coordinator

Clemson University, SC

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