Dean’s Certification
Deans of Students are expected to shine in their multiple roles as disciplinarians, arbiters of student behavior, parent liaisons, and community role models. The Deans’ Certification provides expert training and skill-building for Deans seeking excellence in their profession. Participants attain aptitudes in weighing evidence, hearing testimony, interfacing with parents, and achieving constructive resolutions from deleterious situations.
The Deans’ Certification offers a thorough training on all facets of this key administrative position or the option to select specific topics for a deep dive with interactive case study analysis. Our trainers include attorneys, seasoned Deans of Students, risk managers and highly credentialed professors. We build your acumen with real-life case study practice utilizing complicated, conflict-ridden examples from our vast experience.
Participants acquire unflappable peace of mind — even when the child of a major donor, a trustee or high-profile parent breaks a policy. From victimology and the rights of the Responding Party to interactions with local law enforcement, Deans gain confidence in navigating the complexities of school discipline, student guidance and parent interactions.
Build analysis skills
Update terminology
Practice communication
Stay current on legal standards
Learn from peers and experts
Communicating with Parents
Questioning Techniques
Restorative Justice
Standards of Proof
Weighing Evidence & Testimony
Sexual Misconduct
Title IX
Sample Institute Topics
- Application of handbook policies
- Hearing board structure
- Neutral terminology
- Jurisdiction
- On campus/property
- Off campus/property
- Text, facetime
- Social media
- Parent/guardian home
- Documentation and receiving reports
- Compliance with state and federal laws and regulations
- Reporting parties
- Victimology
- Rights
- Trauma, flashbacks, triggers
- Hearing process options for victim sensitivity
- Medical issues
- Psychological issues
- Reporting discrepancies
- Responding parties
- Rights
- Slander, libel, and defamation
- Witnesses
- Legal counsel participation
- Due process
- Evidence sources
- Technology devices
- Social media
- Word of mouth
- 3rd parties
- Intoxicated or impaired witnesses
- Bias
- Experts
- Character witnesses
- Evidence and credibility
- Bias
- Lying
- Motive
- Perspective
- Consistency over time
- Sensitive and special situations
- Sexual misconduct
- Sexual harassment
- Gender and sexual identity
- Mental health
- Discrimination
- Bullying
- Hazing
- Employee misconduct
- International students
- Withdrawals and voluntary separations
- Sanctioning
- Educational
- Restorative justice
- Medical leave
- Separation
- Community agency relationships
- Law enforcement
- Legal counsel
- Medical
- Psychological
- Human services
- Using consultants
- Media and communications consultants
- Risk management consultants
- Law firms
- Security firms
- Experts
- Communications
- Students
- Parents
- Faculty and staff
- General public
- Media
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