COS KABB Learning Outcomes Model
COS programming and curricula is founded on our proprietary KABB Model: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Bystander (Intervention). Our long-term positive impact on building core competencies on each of these four pillars to construct a strong, sturdy “four-legged table” of outcomes. We use this model with all topics and audiences.
Some of our clients have learning outcomes to meet based on grant requirements, legal mandates or internal goals. We work with you to ensure we meet these needs.
Below are sample learning outcomes for programs addressing healthy relationships, consent, and sexual assault.
- Provide information about the definitions and severity of the problem of sexual assault.
- When I overhear peers discussing sexual activity with someone who was unable to give consent, I will stand up and inform them of the possible consequences for both them and the victim.
- Inform participants about relevant campus and/or local laws and policies, resources and services and how to access them.
- School’s Sexual Misconduct policy
- Formal and informal reporting options, including confidential vs. non-confidential
- Community standards and the kind of behavior expected of them as they enter this community
- Possible sanctions if accused
- Resources to support survivors and their friends
- Sexually coercive behavior takes place on a continuum–what might be included in that continuum?
- Explicitly reject comments from peers implying that forcing someone to have sex is okay
- Educate about the characteristics and operational styles of different types of perpetrator behavior, i.e., testing behavior, buying into rape myths, coercive behaviors, forcing alcohol, etc.
- Identify a potential perpetrator of sexual assault.
- Understand and overcome cultural norms and socialization experiences that reduce the likelihood of responding to harassment, rape myths, and other uncomfortable or demeaning behaviors or comments.
- Refuse to participate in sexist jokes or conversations.
- Understand what constitutes harassment and gender bias.
- Emphasize that sexual activity is a choice, and that all people, at any time, are free to choose whether to be sexually active or not. This also means people can change their mind at any time, even if they have already consented to sexual activity.
- Explain to a friend they can choose to be sexually active or not at any point in time, resisting unacceptable pressure in either direction.
- Address the role of alcohol and other drugs from the perspective of both victim and perpetrator. How alcohol is used as a predatory tool – perpetrators often use it because they know it clouds the issue of consent and responsibility, etc.
- Ask others for help if an intoxicated peer appears to be in a dangerous situation.
- Consider relevant aspects of gender socialization and the role of sexism in facilitating sexual assaults.
- Challenge societal norms by expecting more assertive behavior from female peers and more compassion and understanding from male peers.
- Challenge rape myths and reduce victim blaming– what it looks like, why we do it, how it harms, how to address it when you hear it, etc.; assumptions about the role of sexuality and sexual activity based on gender.
- Start a conversation with a friend about sexuality and encourage acceptance of everyone’s decision to engage in or not to engage in sexual activity.
- Address the fear of false accusations.
- Help a friend brainstorm ways in which to ensure consent and to avoid misunderstandings related to unclear relationships.
- Distinguish issues of miscommunication from abuse of power or coercion—sexual assault does not happen because of miscommunication.
- Know the signs of various levels of unhealthy relationships and when/how to intervene.
- Understand consent and how to be sure both parties are fully consenting. What are examples of ways in which consent can be given, both verbally and non-verbally? Absence of a no does not mean yes. Discuss positive expressions of healthy sexuality, including abstinence.
- Able to give consent in various ways and to present myself in a confident way
- Reduce enabling behaviors, increase empathy for victims by understanding of the impact of rape
- Stand up against inappropriate comments regarding someone’s physical appearance
- Discuss assertiveness v. aggressiveness.
- Able to protect myself and intervene in risky situations by being assertive but not aggressive
- Understand risky behaviors that may increase vulnerability to assault and emphasize protective behaviors that may reduce vulnerability to assault
- Consider possible consequences of various actions and inactions
Bystander Intervention
- What are the characteristics of risky situations and what behaviors can be addressed?
- I know the red flags to watch for and when/how to intervene in a risky situation.
- Where and how to get help for a friend (either a victim a perpetrator)
- Calmly and helpfully talk with a friend who was assaulted or who may have assaulted someone else.
- Emphasize men’s responsibility for preventing sexual assault. Understanding that the majority of perpetrators are male, but the majority of males are not perpetrators. Why do most men not rape? What elements exist for someone not to hurt someone else?
- Set expectations for everyone in a community to take some responsibility for one another’s safety.
- Defining the difference between prevention, risk reduction and resistance.
- Encourage peers to establish standards of respect in all relationships.
- How students can create a culture of respect where sexual assault, harassment, stalking, and abuse aren’t acceptable.
- Openly disapprove if a peer says they had sex with someone who was incapacitated, passed out, or otherwise didn’t give consent.