Sexual Harrassment
Why let required annual training can become redundant and ineffective? Online modules may check the box, but real growth and the possibility of changing attitudes and behaviors happens with masterful presenters and challenging, relevant content.
COS covers the essentials with creative case studies designed to bring forth debate and dialogue. Creating an atmosphere conducive the revelation of honest opinions and underlying assumptions is our forte. Attendees wrestle with the subtleties of sexual harassment, including nonverbal, visual and technological. We work to unearth the unspoken hurts to move your employees, faculty or staff to a more comfortable, respectful place.
Goals and Learning Outcomes:
- Understand essential definitions of sexual harassment, including Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Environment.
- Consider the difference between setting a standard for sexual harassment of uncomfortable rather than unwelcome.
- Understand what topics of conversation and interactions with colleagues may be considered harassment.
- Understand the importance of being a pro-social bystander in one’s community to create a climate of respect.
- Learn ways in which to confront sexual harassment by a colleague and how to access additional resources and support.
“Katie Koestner is simply the best trainer on student safety and sexual harassment prevention. She engages the audience with thought-provoking, relevant questions and scenarios, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats. This atmosphere keeps participants involved and encourages deeper understanding. Throughout her presentations Ms. Koestner relates her own personal story, which makes the experience even more compelling. Institutions should bring in the best trainers no matter the topic and Katie Koestner is unquestionably the expert in this field.”
“I heard you speak at American University a little over a year ago, and it changed my life. Your speech was what gave me the courage to come forward about what happened to me.”
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