Activate your community.



Microaggression & Discrimination:

Identifying and Undoing Bias

We live and work in a diverse world with people from a variety of identities, specifically racial backgrounds. Recognizing that race and racism remain salient in our society, we need to understand the messages we’ve been taught about race and how they may show up in the form of prejudice, bias, and/or discrimination. It is important to know that most of us are well-intended people, and despite that, the impact of our words and actions could harm others.

Learn about the history and context of race and racism in the United States. Explore our conscious and unconscious biases, and how to address them when they arise. Understand microaggressions and how they may manifest in educational environments and impact historically marginalized communities. Implore yourself to take responsibility for the impact of individual actions and self-awareness. This session creates a space for open, honest communication and active engagement by all members of the community in recognizing the value of every voice.

Dr. Jordan West

Dr. Jordan West

Director of University Diversity & Inclusion Programs, George Washington University

Pawan Dhingra

Pawan Dhingra

Professor of American Studies, Amherst College



The Balancing Act:

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety can mean waking up at 3:34am with a full-plate of to-do’s; a cold-sweat before a critical conversation; and paralysis about a course of action. Expectations whether self-imposed or external can create a tidal wave of feelings of being overwhelmed with no clear way out. Learn accessible techniques that can assuage, and even overcome these common experiences within one to ten minutes a day.

Learn research-proven strategies including exercise, mindfulness training, and one-minute stress reducers that can take any of us from overwhelmed to triumphant.  Understand root causes and imbalances that give rise to anxiety and how they can be quickly and obviously addressed. We will share “pattern interrupt” methods known as the “One-minute heart meditation,” and the “shake and smile” exercise. These methods have been shown in numerous studies to reduce the stress hormone cortisol for up to five hours. Learn how to unveil your inner resources that heal anxiety and their root causes for a lifetime. Garner practical ways to help yourself and others easily abolish anxiety.

Jonathan Robinson

Jonathan Robinson

Psychotherapist, Author of 14 Books, and Highly Sought-After Speaker

Bruce Pardoe

Bruce Pardoe

Founder of Heart Fluency and Meditation Teacher in the Vipassana tradition of Buddhism



Misinformation, Disinformation & Your Digital Footprint:

Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship

Who will see your digital footprints and how long will they last?  Learn how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Xbox, TikTok, Google and other applications are making use of your self-posted information. What is misinformation and disinformation put forth as information on the web, and how can you tell the difference? What are top strategies and tools to become a circumspect digital consumer, student, parent and educator?

Consider how your digital dossier is being shaped by your friends, family, and colleagues. We identify apps and web-resources to help you stay in control of your profile, data, privacy and time. Understand internet addiction and mental health consequences of social media messaging. We peel back the curtain on corporate monetization and messaging to empower you to choose how you use technology and shape its future.

Belinha S. De Abreu, PhD.

Belinha S. De Abreu, PhD.

Practitioner, Author, Professor and Researcher

Jimmeka Anderson

Jimmeka Anderson

Founder of I am Not The Media, Speaker and Activist

Merve Lapus

Merve Lapus

Vice President, Outreach & Community Partnerships, Common Sense Education

January 4,


High Impact Leadership by Way of Resiliency

We seem to live in a constant state of “uncertain times”, and the “new normal” can seem untenable. More than ever before, we live in an almost relentless place of stress brought on by a combination of lack of sleep, heightened expectations, and over-exposure to endless stimuli from every direction. What are the skills needed to thrive despite this plethora of life stressors including academic, economic, family, discrimination, social media and even the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Learn how to change challenges into success with effective strategies and leadership skills. Bolster your resiliency and stability with high-impact self-care designed to get you out of your head and into your optimal states of body and mind. Learn how these science-backed strategies increase energy, emotional wellbeing, and mental sharpness. Discover how to feel and perform your best with tools from performance coaching, mental strength training, and positive psychology.

Sienna Abdulahad

Sienna Abdulahad

Director for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Tulane University

Cara Bradley

Cara Bradley

Leadership Consultant, Speaker, Podcast Host, Author of On The Verge: Wake up, Show up and Shine

February 1,


He, She, They & Ze:

Gender Inclusion or Gender Chaos?

When considering the increasing visible presence of transgender and other gender diverse people, there is much interest – and opinion – with respect to pronoun usage (she, he, they, or ze), how to navigate gender-separated spaces (bathrooms, locker rooms, dorm rooms, etc.) and engagement on sports teams and other activities.  Some will express interest in deepening their learning, getting a grasp on current terminology, and engaging gender diverse people in respectful ways.  Others are of a very different mindset. There is resistance that makes evident the dark layer of fear that is pervasive when considering a simple request of moving from “he” to “she”.  This underbelly is made evident when we see statistics that reflect the violence, contempt, and dismissal of trans lives.  We can’t be effective allies if we don’t address the deepest layers – the apprehension of what feels to be a descent into gender obliteration and the specter of societal upheaval and chaos.  How do we step into inclusivity when we fear that inclusion could be dangerous?  Learn about concrete, straightforward steps towards gender inclusion and the paradigm shift needed to get there. 

Learn how to change challenges into success with effective strategies and leadership skills. Bolster your resiliency and stability with high-impact self-care designed to get you out of your head and into your optimal states of body and mind. Learn how these science-backed strategies increase energy, emotional wellbeing, and mental sharpness. Discover how to feel and perform your best with tools from performance coaching, mental strength training, and positive psychology.

Aidan Key

Aidan Key

Speaker, Consultant and Co-Author of Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: Children and Gender Cognition in Transgender Children

Nyk Robertson

Nyk Robertson

Assistant Director TRIO Student Support Services at Emporia State University, Former Associate Director of Gender Initiatives at Swarthmore College

March 1,


Power-Based Relationships:

Bullying & Prosocial Bystanders

“But I was just kidding.” Free speech with the intent to harm and degrade others can easily become bullying. We analyze what is bullying and how it is perpetuated within our social hierarchies. Understand why and how someone becomes a bully or the target of a bully (and sometimes both) as well as the role the bystanders play in perpetuating the cycle. Grasp the importance of recognizing the difference between teasing and taunting and flirting and sexual bullying.

Learn how to empower those who are targets, so they feel supported in speaking up. Silence can lead to struggles with mental health and even self-harming behaviors. We uncover the power issues around gender, race, religion, ethnicity, economic status, appearance, sexual identity and more. Learn ways to become a prosocial bystander and create lasting culture change within our communities.

Barbara Coloroso

Barbara Coloroso

Founder of Kids Are Worth It, Author, Speaker

April 5,


Navigating Healthy Relationships & Consent in the #MeToo Era

The expectations and policies regarding appropriate interactions between romantic partners have changed dramatically in the wake of #MeToo, Time’s Up, and Campus Title IX regulations. Learn the difference between “affirmative” and “effective” consent, what constitutes sexual misconduct, sexting, child pornography, incapacitation, and coercion. How do criminal, civil and campus “courts” address these issues, including knowing about an incident, but not reporting?

Should you buy someone a drink or even compliment someone’s outfit in the current climate? Do you need verbal consent for a kiss? How does someone’s use of alcohol, study-drugs, or marijuana affect their ability to give effective consent? This program is inclusive to all gender and sexual identities, as well as morals and values. The information is presented from an educational perspective, not a prescription for action or legal advice. Understand appropriate personal boundaries for students and educators.

Amanda Blaugher

Amanda Blaugher

Title IX Director at Gettysburg College

Gordon Braxton

Gordon Braxton

Author, Activist and Educator on Sexual Violence, Former Director of Men’s Outreach on Sexual Assault Prevention at Harvard University

May 3,


Inhaling More Than Air:

Juuling & Inhalants

With a full array of colors and flavors coupled with creative targeted marketing, the vape has become the latest addiction amongst teens and young adults. Learn how misleading advertising permeated the screens of teens via social media, often cloaked within social justice messaging and stress-relief promises.

Understand how these devices work and what research reveals about the effects of nicotine in pod-based systems like JUUL, PHIX and Sourin on the adolescent body and brain. Learn what substances are contained in vapor and aerosol. Become more informed about the impact of primary and secondhand vapor produced by these devices. Review current legislative initiatives to curb use and how each of us can make positive change in our communities.

Ian Wong

Ian Wong

Director of Health Promotion and Prevention at Tufts University

Dr. Peter Doyle

Dr. Peter Doyle

MD, Associate Medical Director of Health Service at Tufts University

Dr. Matthew Sutherland

Dr. Matthew Sutherland

Director of Neuroinformatics and Brain Connectivity Lab

Dr. Elisa Trucco

Dr. Elisa Trucco

Director of Research on Adolescent and Child Heath Lab

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