Wellness Resource Library
If your last health class endured synthesizer background music or 80’s hair and neon socks, you can modernize your teaching tools affordably with the COS Wellness Resource Library. Stop spending hours searching online for a discussion guide on mental health or inspiring curricula for your peer leadership program.
The COS Wellness Resource Library is stocked with hundreds of up-to-date, web-relevant and research supported curricula, resource guides and on-demand educational webinars. Choose from 30+ essential character, wellness and risk management topics. Our relatable and creative content features headlines, social media and pop culture to engage critical audiences. Written and produced by nationally known experts, our team hails from Harvard, Princeton, Duke and other top institutions. Resources are inclusive of diverse cultures, races, religions, sexual orientations, and genders.
- Curriculum Guides
- Awareness Week Planners
- Educational “YouTube” Videos
- Peer Leadership and Bystander Empowerment Training
- E-Learning Centers
- Media Literacy Kits
- Health and Wellness Class
- Peer Counselors
- Peer Leaders
- First Year Experience Programs
- Faculty Training
- Residential Life
- <250 students: $1000/yr.
- 251-500 students: $2500/yr.
- 501-1,000 students: $3500/yr.
- 1000-5000 students: $5000/yr.
- Alcohol | Brain Development
- Body Image | Nutrition
- Bullying | Cyber-Bullying | Bystander Intervention
- Cyber-Smarts | Digital Citizenship |Social Media
- Dating Violence
- Diversity | Inclusivity | Multi-Culturalism
- Finding Balance | Stress and Anxiety
- Leadership
- Learning Differences
- Marijuana |Inhalants | Over the Counter Drugs
- Peer Leadership
- Respect | Self Confidence
- Risk Taking
- Senior Transitions to College
- Sexual Abuse | Sexual Assault
- Sexual Harassment | Boundary Setting
The COS Wellness Resource Library: Instant support for your entire academic community.
For 25+ years Campus Outreach Services has provided resources, programs and support for more than 2000 schools in North America. Our clients and members include Groton, Phillips Andover, Phillips Exeter, Harvard, Princeton, West Point, Loomis Chaffee School, Christ Church School, Breck School, Middlesex School, Milton Academy, University School, Chapin School, Collegiate School, Merion Mercy Academy, St. Josephs Preparatory School, Harker School, Besant Hill School, Hockaday School, St. Pauls School, and many, many more.
We create the resources so that schools can focus their time and energy on doing the education and inspiration. We look forward to the opportunity to provide support to your educational community.
“Your values are outstanding and applaudable, and your caring to reach out to others is none other than remarkable. Through that kind of caring, you have reached out and touched me. Towards the end of your speech, tears began to swell up in my eyes, and though you are a complete stranger, I had this incredible urge to run up on stage and give you a hug. You are a better person than me, and thus you are an inspiration. My heart goes out to you, and your worthy cause.”
“Over the past year, STM has been making many positive changes, one of them being raising awareness on serious topics such as mental health, sexual assault, suicide, etc. You were the voice we needed! Your story has changed lives, and for that, I can’t thank you enough. I believe your story has begun a movement in this school, prompting discussions on how to make STM and our community a better place! I know you will continue to spread your message, inspiring the youth to take a stand against mistreatment in the world. I wish you all the best in your journeys to come.”
Campus Outreach Services © 2020
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Campus Outreach Services © 2020