Wellness-Connect Faculty
Samantha Leonard
Speaker and Author
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Samantha Leonard is an accomplished author, researcher and storyteller. As a survivor of sexual abuse, Samantha is passionate about addressing sexual assault and the power of connecting with survivors and communities. She is especially knowledgeable on the topic of childhood grooming and how charm and compassion are used to hide crimes and shame survivors into silence. Through the power of narrative, her book, Groomed: Shining a Light on the Unheard Narrative of Childhood Sexual Abuse, is a live testimonial to life after abuse and provides hope for those that feel alone.
Ms. Leonard is currently a Master’s of Social Work student, committed to helping survivors find their voice and play a part in changing the culture around sexual violence by educating and inspiring communities. Samantha spent 4 years serving on her college Sexual Offense Support Crisis Hotline listening and validating survivors’ experiences. Her dream is to spend her life connecting with others and to make the world a more loving place through social work writing, speaking and relationships.
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