Sex Miscellaneous Outcomes
Since 1994, COS has helped 3000+ institutions, organizations and companies comprehensively address sexual misconduct and Title IX issues. Our work is driven by best practice, legal compliance, and the safety and well-being of each community we serve.
Essential Goals
- Increase employee and student understanding of policies and protocols pertaining to sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual abuse policies, and response options.
- Increase employee and student understanding of proper protocol for reporting incidents of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct.
- Increase employee and student understanding of what would constitute a boundary cross between students and employees on emotional, personal and sexual issues.
- Decrease incidents of harassment and disrespect around sexual harassment and misconduct.
- Assess response system, resources, policies, procedures, and protocols. Update and improve.
- Conduct annual Climate Survey and Boundaries Surveys to assess improvements.
Safety and Risk
Management Goals
- Ensure physical layouts of offices, parking lots, and other properties do not create opportunities for isolation or vulnerability.
- Ensure the campus is adequately well-lit, hedges/bushes are trimmed, and identify other improvements.
- Ensure buildings are properly locked to prevent intruders or unauthorized employees from using spaces where they should not have access.
- Ensure areas that could be used inappropriately are not accessible when not in appropriate use, including storage closets, changing areas/locker rooms, music rooms, bathrooms, offices, storage sheds, garages, etc.
- Ensure vehicles owned by the institution are used for business-related purposes are properly outfitted with GPS location tracking and check-in, check-out policies.
- Ensure those who make home or off-site visits with students are either logging their interactions and/or carrying GPS-app (school-provided or sanctioned) on their phone.
- Volunteers working with minors receive background checks and go through a Sexual Misconduct Training Program with a post-test that must be passed at a 90% or better proficiency level.
Training and Education Goals
- Plan and hold an annual Respect Day to train employees, students and parents on respectful culture and sexual abuse prevention.
- Training includes pre/post-tests to ensure understanding of policies and procedures for reporting, non-retaliation and how confidentiality may or may not be provided.
- Training includes learning outcomes, surveys, proof of completion, and proof of comprehension – specific to the institution – not generic “online” training.
- Training includes role playing and practice with verbal communication around how to appropriately talk with/confront someone who has said or done something uncomfortable, inappropriate or harassing. Employees build personal confidence to execute this expectation as well as the leadership’s support of this method of resolution.
- Training includes bystander education and engagement strategies with practice in exercising these skills both verbally and physically.
- Training includes communicating respectfully with colleagues when someone feels aggrieved or uncomfortable. Create the “norm” of open, honest communication as commonplace, welcome, and expected. No one should be perceived as above reproach or permitted to “get away” with inappropriate conduct because of their title, status, position, friendships/relationships with those in power, etc.
- Training for those with international backgrounds and/or cultural differences to help these employees understand the difference between American laws, policies and expectations and those of their backgrounds, nationalities and/or cultures.
Staffing, Policies, Procedures and Handbook Goals
- Clear dress code and enforcement practice in place.
- Establish personal contact policy, to include hugs, touching someone on the shoulder, back, arms, and legs.
- Clear policy about public displays of affection—even between married employees.
- Clear policy on the background check requirements for volunteers.
- Adequate and accessible methods to report sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination.
- Assess investigations and disciplinary process for cases involving sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and discrimination for all permutations of complainants and respondents, regardless of position.
- Ensure the employee and student/family handbooks are congruent in definitions, jurisdiction, and procedures.
- Ensure the employee and student/family handbooks have clear indexing and organization.
- Comprehensive resource list for those who are accused of sexual misconduct, discrimination and/or harassment.
- Comprehensive resource list for those who report being victims of sexual misconduct, discrimination and/or harassment.
- Establish connections with relevant organizations, agencies, contacts, and resources in the local area to be included in the development of the resource sheet. Generate aggregate list of all contact names, phone numbers, websites, and email addresses.
Climate and Culture Goals
- Conduct annual Climate Survey and Boundaries Surveys to assess progress each year. Review results, analyze and provide an executive report to include recommendations for other departments as needed.
- Ongoing monthly events to focus on inclusivity and build cross-department rapport and respect. These should address racism, ageism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.
- Hold a “Compliments and Complaints” Forum to provide feedback to leadership without fear of punishment or criticism.
Annual review and summary of the gender and diversity of employees and students as a totality and in leadership roles.