A list of titles, brief descriptions and past presenters are provided below. Click here to learn more about our faculty.
A Cyber-World of Trouble
Panelists discussed potential cyber dangers, including stalking, privacy concerns, pornography, bullying, and online harassment. They advised independent and boarding schools on monitoring online use, and parents on overseeing student internet use at home. Finally, panelists described future cyber dangers.
Katie Koestner
Campus Outreach Services Director
Belinha De Abreau
Vice President, National Telemedia Council
Anna Schmidt
Director of Resident Life and Educational Initiatives, University of Oregon
A Cyber-World of Trouble
Presenters assisted parents in understanding their teen’s activity online, cell phone and video game system usage, and in other web spaces. They discussed illegal downloading, cyberbullying, plagiarism, social media, online shopping, identity theft, and cyber-predators.
Justin Berry
Former Dark Web Educator
Keith Dunn
Executive Director, KDCOP Foundation
Suzanne Stanford
Internet Safety Expert
Mr. Dayton discussed the differences between cyber-bullying and in-person bullying, varying perceptions among students and parents of cyber-bullying, and why cyber-bullying often goes unreported. Finally, he described the warning signs of cyberbullying, and provided prevention methods for parents.
Jeff Dayton
Director of Information and Innovation, Madeira School
Developmentally Appropriate Technology for the Child Brain
Ms. Ritter-Guth provided examples of developmentally appropriate technology for students of varying ages. She described technology’s influence on child and adolescent brain function and development.
Beth Ritter-Guth
Associate Dean of Online Learning & Educational Technology, Northhampton Community College
Experts described how colleges, universities, and employers use various technology and social media sites to learn more about applicants to their institutions. Audience members learned surprising facts that impacted their future college and career plans.
Megan Harlan
Director of College Counseling, Groton School
J.T. O’Donnell
CEO, Work It Daily
Living Concepts of Edgework, Risk-Taking & Teen Behaviors
Experts explored links between risky adolescent behaviors and video gaming. They discussed the seductive nature of pursuing risk and defying boundaries for teenagers.
Dr. M. Dolores Cimini
Director, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research
Dr. Stephen Lyng
Originator of Edgework Theory
Dr. Thomas Workman
Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research
Online Reputation Management
Panelists discussed recent social media trends and described how individuals build a digital footprint. They provided tips on using the internet proactively, finding credible sources for research, and best email practices. Finally, the experts described the impact of social media on professional lives, brand development, and the importance of seeking guidance from trusted adults and mentors.
Lesley Mitler
Co-Founder, Early Stage Careers
Dr. Bari Norman
Co-Founder, Expert Admissions
Shama Hyder
CEO, The Marketing Zen Group
Parental Control Options for Cell Phones
Ashley Perkinson offered comprehensive and effective training skills for faculty, staff, and administrators to understand key bullying definitions. She also detailed reporting requirements with the most current legal parameters and research surrounding each essential issue for teaching professionals.
Keith Dunn
CEO, KDCOP Foundation
Dr. Russell Sabella
Judi Westberg Warren
CEO, Web Wise Kids
Preventing and Addressing Cyberbullying
Experts provided guidance on appropriate responses to and increasing awareness of cyber-bullying. They also gave tips to parents on how to monitor their child’s online activity to avoid cyber dangers.
Dr. Jerry Cozine
Principal, Richard S. Sherman North Middle School
Dorothy Espelage
Professor of Psychology, University of Florida
Nancy Willard
Director, Embrace Civility in the Digital Age
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