Components, Topics, & Sample Schedule

Lauded, Unique Components of CW360

Live, Top-Tier Presentations

Interactive online or in-person presentations with renowned expert speakers and discussion guides meet core learning outcomes with research-supported efficacy. Provide your community with diverse instruction and engaging content.

On-Demand Video Library

20-30 minute recorded sessions by national experts reinforce core learning outcomes. Provide supplemental classroom exercises or educational alternatives to traditional disciplinary sanctions.

Student & Family Consultations

Through consultation with experienced counselors, extend professional support to your highest need and crisis situations – whether individual students, families, alumni, and/or employees. Unused hours roll over from one year to the next.

Topics for Live and Recorded Programs:

Healthy Relationships

  • Healthy Relationships & Consent
  • Sexual Assault on Campuses
  • Title IX
  • Dating Violence
  • Gender Identity & Pronouns
  • Engaging Men & Boys
  • Masculinity

Substance Use

  • Fentanyl & Other Opiods
  • Cannabis & Marijuana
  • Vaping & Inhalants
  • Alcohol
  • Addiction
  • Risk Taking

Mental Health

  • Anxiety
  • Stress Management
  • Finding Balance
  • Mindfulness
  • Depression & Suicide Prevention
  • Mental Health


      • Personal Resiliency
      • Grit through Adversity
      • Bystander Intervention Skills
      • Habits of Successful Leaders
      • Goal-Setting
      • Peer Leadership

      Interpersonal Relationships

      • Communication Skills
      • Metacognition
      • Learning Differences
      • Restorative Practices
      • Transitions to College
      • Bullying
      • Cyber-Bullying

      Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

      • Prejudice
      • Diversity & Equity
      • Subconscious vs. Conscious Bias
      • Microaggressions
      • Inclusivity
      • Community Culture


      • Social Media
      • Digital Citizenship
      • Technology & Gaming Addiction
      • Media Literacy & Disinformation
      • Cyber-Civility
      • Parenting in a Digital World
      • Classroom Technology

          Sample Monthly CW360 Presentation Plan

          This sample schedule below provides a developmentally-appropriate series for students, parents, and educators.

          We can create a customized schedule for your school’s needs.

          September: Healthy Relationships

          • Lower School – Essentials of Healthy Relationships
          • Middle School – Flirting vs. Hurting
          • Upper School – Consent vs. Sexual Assault
          • Parents – Understanding Flirting, Hurting, & Sexual Misconduct
          • Faculty/Staff – Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Prevention

          October: Technology

          • Lower School – Cyber-Smarts
          • Middle School – Cyber-Bullying & Cyber-Civility
          • Upper School – Misinformation, Disinformation, & Digital Citizenship
          • Parents – Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants
          • Faculty/Staff – Social Media Interactions with Students, Parents, and Peers

          November: Diversity

          • Lower School – Celebrating Diversity as We Grow Together
          • Middle School – Diversity & Inclusivity
          • Upper School – Prejudice, Bias, & Discrimination
          • Parents – Raising Children who Value Inclusivity
          • Faculty/Staff – Diversity & Inclusivity Training for Educators

          Mental Health

          • Lower School – Handling Pressure
          • Middle School – Depression & Suicide Prevention
          • Upper School – Stress & Anxiety Management Strategies
          • Parents – The Real Truth about Mental Health
          • Faculty/Staff – Stress Relief Tools for Educators


          • Lower School – Bullying & Interpersonal Conflict
          • Middle School – Gender & Sexual Identity
          • Upper School – Human Sexuality
          • Parents – Raising Children in a #MeTooWorld
          • Faculty/Staff – Professional Boundaries with Students for Educators

          February: Bystander & Upstander Skills

          • Lower School – Bystander/Upstander Skills (Level 1)
          • Middle School – Bystander/Upstander Skills (Level 2)
          • Upper School – Bystander/Upstander Skills (Level 3)
          • Parents – Courageous Conversations & Parenting Skill Essentials
          • Faculty/Staff – Courageous Conversations

          Substance Use

          • Lower School – Peer Pressure
          • Middle School – Substance Use: Vaping
          • Upper School – Substance Use: Alcohol
          • Parents – Substance Use: Prevalence & Laws
          • Faculty/Staff – Restorative Justice Practices

          April: Communication & College Transitions

          • Lower School – Communication Skills (Level 1)
          • 6th-10th Grade – Communication Skills (Level 2)
          • 11th-12th Grade – Transitions to College
          • Parents of 11th-12th Grade Students – Transitions to College
          • Faculty/Staff – Rolling Back Bias

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