Title IX, coach training, and team building

Playing to win on the field means training to win off the field.  Engage student athletes on consent and sexual misconduct, train coaches in comprehensive response to allegations of sexual misconduct and strengthen upstander skills with team building exercises. Driven by efficacy data, our programs statistically improve knowledge, attitude, behavior, and bystander empowerment around sexual misconduct from pre-test to post-test.

Sample Programs

Coach Training on Title IX: Equality for All

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Definitions and reporting mandates of Title IX
    • Best practices to create transparency, equity, and integrate victimology in sanctions, support, and education
    • Ways to maintain neutrality with accused and accuser
    • Appropriate Coach-Student Athlete boundaries

      Diversity & Inclusivity: Get Under Your Skin

          Learning Outcomes:

          • Bias, prejudice, and intentional and unintentional discrimination
          • Necessity and benefits of inclusivity
          • Differences as essential to long-term entity sustainability and personal success
          • Strategies for adopting and fostering mutual respect and communication skills

            Consent & Sexual Misconduct: I Said – You Said: Join the Jury and Hear the Case

              Learning Outcomes:

              • What constitutes valid consent, including the difference between coercion and seduction
              • Alcohol and other drugs impact decision-making abilities and whether consent is still valid
              • Myths and stereotypes which contribute to and perpetuate sexual violence and how to dispel them
              • Ways to clearly communicate with a partner about expectations and boundaries
              • Bystander skills and strategies, including how to intervene when they see others in vulnerable situations

                Learning Outcomes:

                • Definitions and reporting mandates of Title IX
                • Best practices to create transparency, equity, and integrate victimology in sanctions, support, and education
                • Ways to maintain neutrality with accused and accuser
                • Appropriate Coach-Student Athlete boundaries

                  Learning Outcomes:

                  • Bias, prejudice, and intentional and unintentional discrimination
                  • Necessity and benefits of inclusivity
                  • Differences as essential to long-term entity sustainability and personal success
                  • Strategies for adopting and fostering mutual respect and communication skills

                    Learning Outcomes:

                    • What constitutes valid consent, including the difference between coercion and seduction
                    • Alcohol and other drugs impact decision-making abilities and whether consent is still valid
                    • Myths and stereotypes which contribute to and perpetuate sexual violence and how to dispel them
                    • Ways to clearly communicate with a partner about expectations and boundaries
                    • Bystander skills and strategies, including how to intervene when they see others in vulnerable situations

                      “I just wanted to drop you a brief note to again thank you for the marvelous presentation that you did for our student-athletes.  As I indicated that night, in 13 years of doing educational programming for our teams, I have never seen such devoted attention and respect as they gave you. What you had to say to our kids and the way you said it was precisely what I was hoping our athletes would hear.”

                      Director of Athletics

                      The College of New Jersey, NJ

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