Healthy Relationships & Dating Abuse
When is a compliment really received as harassment? When does attentiveness become stalking? How do we define respectful treatment of others so that we do not cross either legal standards or personal boundaries?
COS combines personal experience and interactive case studies to analyze power balance, controlling behaviors, and abusive communication. We spotlight how to set clear expectations in relationships and the importance of self-confidence. Empower your community with clarity on their romantic and personal interactions with others, whether online or in person.
- What constitutes sexual misconduct, sexting, child pornography, incapacitation, and coercion.
- Types and ways perceived or actual power imbalances impact respectful relationships.
- The technological, physical, and other ways in which power can be wielded inequitably in relationships.
- How to nurture healthy relationships.
- How to remove ourselves or our peers safely from abusers.
- Our personal responsibility to intervene when we know about an abusive relationship.
“Katie Koestner is one of those rare presenters that changes the way adolescents think about personal relationships. With passion and sincerity, Koestner puts forth a powerful message in a carefully conceived presentation that is honest, thought-provoking and humorous all at once. Bravely juggling remarkably personal information, facts and anecdotes, Koestner explores the topic of sexual assault in a manner that is relevant to both male and female students. You will be hard-pressed to find a better high school presentation that simultaneously engages and challenges students on a topic (sexual assault) that is often deemed too sensitive or complicated to discuss but Katie Koestner has the intelligence and courage to pull it off.”
“I was really inspired by the programming yesterday and feel grateful to be part of a school that took time to begin the conversation. Last night in the dorm I walked in on a group of boys (different grades, nationalities) having a pretty nuanced conversation about definitions of sexual assault- which seems like a great outcome.”
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