Mental Health, Stress & Anxiety

Anxiety can mean waking up at 3:30 am stressing about a full plate of to-do’s; breaking a cold sweat before a critical presentation; and screaming out in bumper-to-bumper traffic. We are pressured to do more, go faster, be perfect, all while staying glued together. Expectations, whether self-imposed or external, can create a personal tidal wave of overwhelming feelings with no life-preserver in sight.

COS unites neuroscience and practical steps for creating life balance. With coaching from our national experts, attendees walk away with an accessible checklist of strategies for physical, emotional, and mental balance throughout all life stages and events.


  • Research-proven strategies including exercise, mindfulness training, and one-minute stress reducers.
  • Root causes and imbalances that foment anxiety and how they can be addressed. 
  • When and how to acquire professional medical assistance.


  • Normal and abnormal behaviors regarding fear, stress, and anxiety.
  • The brain’s capacity and implications of overstimulation and stress.
  • Your inner resources for healing and balance.


“Julie is smart-fun for parents. She brings the best of both worlds-research and experience. The parents around me were so engaged they forgot they were going to take notes. We all learned so much about do’s and don’ts. Instinct isn’t always right. I’m going to try some of the ideas she reviewed with my son. Thank you for providing such a service in our stressed-world.”

Parent Association President

Webb Schools, CA

“I really think you are the best presenter I have ever heard. You made me laugh and cry. You are doing something that will change lives.  Good luck in your life, and thank you for enhancing mine”

Female Student

Troy State University, AL

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