Activate your community

Release Date:

October 3, 2022

Stepping In & Stepping Up: Leadership & Bystander Intervention

“Don’t be a snitch.” “It’s none of your business.” “That’s not my job!” The pressures are all around us to step back and ignore potentially dangerous or harmful situations we encounter. But true leadership and integrity means stepping in and stepping up to move from bystander to upstander. We will examine options for appropriate responses and articulation to END rather than prolong the problem or delay solution.

Identify the characteristics of strong leaders. Obtain practical actions you can take to intervene appropriately in a variety of situations. Learn how to self-assess your personal weaknesses and strengths when it comes to effectively engaging your peers. Try out your skills with sample situations, including your eye contact, body language, word choice, and effectiveness in changing the course of a situation!

Tierra Barber

Tierra Barber

Assistant Director of Admissions at Central Michigan University

Travis Marshall

Travis Marshall

Director and Assistant Dean of Students at Rosemont College

Release Date:

November 7, 2022

Mindfulness in the Classroom: Developing Resilient Communities

You can do more, faster. You can out-app your phone and upgrade your social media portfolio. You can accelerate learning in the classroom and push past the competition on the field. Your moods swing in seconds with incoming texts, tweets, and Instagrams. How do you find balance between the fluxes and stress?

If you think that you’re living in an almost constant state of stress brought on by a combination of lack of sleep, heightened expectations, and over-exposure to endless stimuli from every direction, you’re not the only person who feels this way. Teens and adults alike have increasingly reported depression and anxiety as an everyday experience. When your brain is operating at full capacity, what can you do to ensure you stay grounded instead of over-wired? This program provides a practical steps to integrate mindfulness steps in the classroom.

Dr. Peggy Rowe Ward

Dr. Peggy Rowe Ward

Author and Co-Founder of the Lotus Institute

Dr. Larry Ward

Dr. Larry Ward

Author and Co-Founder of the Lotus Institute

Release Date:

December 5, 2022

Hey Alexa…Can You Think for Me so I Don’t Have to? Are We Co-Dependent on Technology?

When Alexa and Siri are ready to do everything except fold our clothes, have we achieved technology dependence, addiction, or genius? Our devices grant us superpowers of efficiency, limitless information, and instantaneous communication. How do we morph into tech heroes rather than our own worst cyber-villains? Can we level-up our affinity with technology while analyzing our tether to apps, games, and social profiles?

Learn how technology uses our psychology to reward itself, not us as end-users. Assess how our devices hold captive every minute of our daily lives to make an informed choice about our settings, app permissions and acceptance of terms and conditions of use. Ensure we remain in charge of technology, rather than it maintain a hold on us. 

Dr. Tenille Richardson-Quamina

Dr. Tenille Richardson-Quamina

Clinical Social Worker and Online Addictions Expert

Nadja Streiter

Nadja Streiter

Therapist, Coach, Technology Speaker, and Activist

Release Date:

January 2, 2023

Thick Skin Is In: What is the Recipe for Self-Direction and Resilience?

Sticks, stones, and boulders. What are the skills that students need today to hold up under pressure? Whether the pressure comes from online posts by “friends” or the stress of high achievement in so many areas. The adolescent brain learns faster, remembers more, and seeks stimulation as if it were water in a desert. It is under siege with new cell growth and agitated by the resulting exposed, overly-sensitive raw nerves.

More than ever before, young people live in an almost constant state of stress brought on by a combination of lack of sleep, heightened expectations, and over-exposure to endless stimuli from every direction. Turn challenges into success with skill and strategy for your students and kids. Lear how to help kids thrive and operate at full capacity. Bolster your own resiliency and learn how to role model the skills needed not just to survive the brutal reality of gossip, ratings, likes and posts; but to thrive and rise above.

Alfonso Ramirez

Alfonso Ramirez

Trauma Informed Schools Coordinator at Tigard-Tualatin School District

Nancy Willard

Nancy Willard

Author, Anti-Bullying Expert, and Director of Embrace Civility

Release Date:

February 6, 2023

Do We Even Live on the Same Planet? Learning Differences Between Genders

Boys have math brains; girls have language brains… Fact or fiction? Are boys’ brains really structured differently than girls’ brains? What can educators do to help boys succeed if they are falling behind in language development? How do we move from theory to practical insights on how to support all our students, including those with learning disabilities?

Discover insights neuroscience can teach us about the links between gender and learning disabilities. Dig into how these connections impact the day-to-day learning of students in the classroom. Garner concrete strategies for educators and parents to help children strengthen their language skills.

Dr. Abigail Norfleet James

Dr. Abigail Norfleet James

Educator and Author

Tess Crocker

Tess Crocker

Inclusive and Special Education Advocate

Release Date:

March 6, 2023

Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants: Bridging the Divide of Understanding

Goodnight Moon or Goodnight iPad? Did you grow up playing outside until the streetlights came on or playing video games by the light of the TV? How do generations who grew up with or without smartphones communicate and think differently?

Garner concrete tips about healthy device management, from “Family Responsible Use” agreements to Tech-Free Zones. Learn how to instill real world skills in the digital generation, while gaining clear understanding of tech habits for those less accustomed to the cyber-world.

Dr. Don Grant

Dr. Don Grant

Psychologist, Speaker, and Published Researcher

Release Date:

April 3, 2023

A Vision for the Next Generation of Gentle-Men: Positive vs. Toxic Masculinity

Crying, pink shirts, makeup, manicures, gowns, doing the dishes, and dusting the furniture. Men can do it all. . . right? Does this list sound jarring or trending? Are we comfortable with a new definition for manhood? Is it ladies first? Literally? Where do men stand in a #MeToo, #TimesUp world? Are men still expected to be the initiator in romantic relationships or give up their seat on the bus for a lady?

This program delves into the world of gender stereotypes, power and control, and expectations for men as sons, parents, partners, and colleagues. Assess your comfort with a non-binary gender world and consider how others perceive those who have held the default power position for centuries around the globe. This conversation and consideration is a must for all – young men, fathers, teenage girls, educators, coaches, and people of all gender identities. Consider and define your conception of “What a Real Man Does, Says, and Thinks.” What are the present-day attributes of an “Ideal Man”?

Gordon Braxton

Gordon Braxton

Former Director of Men’s Outreach on Sexual Assault Prevention at Harvard University

Travis Marshall

Travis Marshall

Director and Assistant Dean of Students at Rosemont College

Release Date:

May 1, 2023

Grass, Weed, Flowers, Hash: Cannabis Just Sounds So Good for You

“It’s not addictive.” “It’s legal (for medical use).” “It’s healthier than other drugs.” “It’s a way to relax.” “If my mom did it, it can’t be that bad.” What’s myth and what’s fact?  What does research reveal? Can you get addicted? Does cannabis make you unmotivated? Who’s using, who’s not, and for what purposes?

Garner concrete answers to countless questions about marijuana, more accurately “cannabis,” illuminating truths about the drug and its effects. What are alternatives to “what everyone is doing”? Learn the scientific evidence on how cannabis affects the brain, body and behavior. Understand the neurobiological and psychological impacts of this popular substance.

Kimberly Hartke

Kimberly Hartke

Public Relations Director for Parents Opposed to Pot

Darryl Rodgers

Darryl Rodgers

Keynote Speaker, Author, and Family Recovery Coach


Release Date:

March 6, 2023

We’re Off to See The Wizard: Senior Transitions to College

Do students joining fraternities or sororities really drink more than non-Greek students?  What are current drugs of choice, both prescription and illegal, that “trending” on campuses? What if you don’t get along with your roommate?  How can you maintain balance and reduce anxiety when the competition is fierce academically?

Understand what options and resources are available to students at most colleges.  Learn how to access them and how they can help you stay focused and balanced.  Garner practical tips for studying, time management, and academic success.   The program helps students thrive in their new college environment.
Dr. Rosianna Gray

Dr. Rosianna Gray

Assistant Professor at University of Alabama Birmingham

Wanda Scott

Wanda Scott

Educator, Coach, Technologist, and Author

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